ESAN/Cendoc was created on May 1, 1964; During its development, it has gone through several stages of adaptation, innovation and improvements that have allowed it to develop resources as well as information services according to the needs of its users and information science trends. Being face-to-face and online, the service allows interested parties to have a wide and varied information at the time they require it.
Contribute and support the process of training competitive professionals, offering high-quality information resources; consolidated; multidisciplinary; technological and human resources that add value to research, teaching, learning, and dissemination of knowledge.
To be leaders in information and knowledge management, being the information resources recognized as strategic by the academic community of the ESAN University, to promote research and innovation.
- Contribute to the strengthening of the faculties and positioning of the professional careers of UESAN through the identification, selection and updating of relevant and updated information.
- Develop and provide users with value-added products and services using the latest information technologies, which facilitate their teaching/learning and research process.
- Create, maintain and strengthen cooperation and exchange ties with related institutions for the development of exchange of experiences in information management issues.
- Association of Directors of Information Centers and Libraries CLADEA: Group of directors of information centers and business school libraries in Latin America, whose purpose is to develop their human resources, support the qualified competence of Information Centers and CLADEA member libraries in their management processes and unite efforts to be able to attend to the demand for information by the academic and research community.
- ALTAMIRA Association: It is a group of Peruvian Academic Libraries committed to promoting cooperative work, sensitizing the authorities of the importance of information, promoting the use of quality indicators and developing information skills that contribute to strengthening the academic processes of the institutions. members.
Lic. Cecilia Alegre Castro
Head of ESAN/Cendoc
Alonso de Molina 1652, Monterrico Chico, Surco
(511) 317 7200 Ax. 44090