Lima Stock Exchange

Companies listed on the Lima Stock Exchange are required to submit their annual reports to the BVL by the end of the first quarter of each year. These are published online along with additional information of interest to shareholders and investors such as the company's board of directors, composition of the shareholder structure, historical listings, important facts and financial information.

Stock Market Superintendency 

Presents the reports of companies listed on the stock market. The information can cover the years 1999 to date depending on each company. Additionally, information can be obtained on the important facts and financial information of each company.

Risk rating agencies

Risk rating agencies are companies dedicated to qualifying the credit risk of all types of financial obligations, that is, the probability of default of a private or public company or entity. In Peru there are several risk classification companies that prepare the classification reports for companies, financial institutions, insurers and funds. The Securities Market Superintendence publishes the classification reports on its website.

Top Online Platinum

Since 2001, it has been collecting information on more than 40,000 companies (large, medium and small) with sales greater than S/4 million, financial data, officials (managements and headquarters), plants and branches, rankings of companies, state suppliers, top importers and exporters, shareholder formation, as well as information on economic groups, sector analysis, investments and links to management and news podcasts. Guíde

Si la If the Peruvian company has international coverage, try looking for more information in the Business Source Complete and/or Passport databases



Business Source Complete (EBSCOhost)

The database includes company information in two of its sections:

  • Company Profiles:
  • : available under the More option in the base menu (top). It presents basic information such as address, country of origin, company summary and products/services offered. The information is complemented by the reports prepared by MarketLine and Medtrack with more detailed information on each company. Additionally, it includes an option with related information where search results from academic publications, professional publications, magazines, newspapers, books, SWOT analysis, country reports, industry profiles, market research reports and product reviews are retrieved.
  • Company information: available as an option in the main menu of the base (top). Basic information is retrieved from companies such as city, state and country of origin and their respective income. The detailed registry presents information on location and contact, information on the parent company or subsidiary, financial information, main executives, codes of the industry to which it belongs (NAICS and SIC), year of foundation, etc. Additionally, it is possible to search for companies related to the industrial sectors to which the company belongs.





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